
There are several ways one can manage containers on Chimera.

High level ones include:

  • containerd
  • podman

Of course, lower-level approaches are also available:

  • bubblewrap
  • chroot
  • unshare/nsenter/etc


Containerd is an OCI-compliant container runtime. It can be paired with a Docker-compatible frontend called nerdctl.

To get it running, you have to install it:

# apk add nerdctl

Then enable the service:

# dinitctl enable containerd

This will let you use it as the superuser, e.g. like this:

# nerdctl run -it alpine:latest

To use it rootless, install the support package:

# apk add containerd-rootless

Ensure your /etc/subuid and /etc/subgid is correctly set up for your user. Usually this is done automatically. The files should contain entries like


Enable the user service:

$ dinitctl enable containerd

Then you can use it as your user too.


To use podman, install it:

# apk add podman

And enable the service:

# dinitctl enable podman

You can use it as both root and your user, provided subuid/subgid is set up correctly. It comes with a native frontend.

Docker frontend

The socket the backend exposes is compatible with Docker. For privileged use, you can use the Docker CLI with podman. Install it:

# apk add docker-cli

Enable the compatibility service:

# dinitctl enable podman-docker

It should work then, as root:

# docker images

Using Chimera as a container

Conversely, Chimera is also available as a container using the same above solutions, on any distro supporting them.

Visit DockerHub for further details.

You could do something like the following:

$ podman run -it chimeralinux/chimera:latest

Or from a Dockerfile:

FROM chimeralinux/chimera:latest